Doctors in Head Injury Clinic

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Details of Head Injury Clinic

<b>Head Injury Clinic in Thiruvannamalai, India</b><br><br>Head injury refers to trauma to head. This may not include injury to the brain. Common causes of head injury are motor vehicle traffic collisions, home and occupational accidents, falls, and assaults. Bicycle accidents are also a common cause of head injury-related death and disability, especially among children<br><br><br><b>Specific problems after head injury can include</b><br><br><ul><li>    Skull fracture</li><li>    Lacerations to the scalp and resulting hemorrhageof the skin</li><li>    Traumatic subdural hematoma, a bleeding below the dura mater which may develop slowly</li><li>    Traumatic extradural, or epidural hematoma, bleeding between the dura mater and the skull</li><li>    Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage</li><li>    Cerebral contusion, a bruise of the brain Concussion, a temporary loss of function due to trauma Dementia pugilistica, or “punch-drunk syndrome”, caused by repetitive head injuries , for example in boxing or other contact sports</li><li>    A severe injury may lead to a coma or death</li><li>    Shaken Baby Syndrome – a form of child abuse Some patients with head trauma stabilize and other patients deteriorate. A patient may present with or without neurologic deficit.</li></ul><br> <b>Imaging</b><br><br>The need for imaging in patients who have suffered a minor head injury is debated. A non-contrast CT of the head should be performed immediately in all those who have suffered a moderateor severe head injury.Head injury may be associated with a neck injury.Bruises on the back or neck, neck pain, or pain radiating to the arms are signs of cervical spine injury and merit spinal immobilization via application of a cervical collar and possibly a long board. If the neurological exam is normal this is reassuring, however a serious intra-cranial injury may still be present. If the patient developing a worsening headache, has a seizure, develops one sided weakness, or has persistent vomiting than the patient should be advised to return and a CT should be immediately obtained.<br>